Bramble, oil bar on hot press Fabriano paper, 4’ x 6’
Emery Holt Road, oil bar on hot press Fabriano paper, 4’ x 6’
Reed Reflection, oil bar on hot press Fabriano paper, 4’ x 10’
Rushes- Purgatory Road, oil bar on hot press Fabriano paper, 4’ x 6’
Sumac, oil bar on hot press Fabriano paper, 4’ x 8’
Swamp Trees, oil bar on hot press Fabriano paper, 4’ x 8’
Tangles Grapevines- Purgatory Road, oil bar on hot press Fabriano paper, 4’ x 10’
The small overgrown ponds and wetlands of the Monadnock region of Southern NH are the inspiration for this series of drawings. The wet woody vines and branches are abstract looking in the springtime before the foliage covers the tangled sanctuary for birds and other wildlife.